What's the very definition of beauty? A grand Miró painting sat in an art gallery? A snow-covered mountain range sparkling before your very eyes? Your favourite Coldplay song sang by a choir of Yetis, perhaps? The answer is actually none of the above. It's because the most beautiful spectacle on earth is... a robot moving around smoothly (of course it is!). Without a care in the world. Gliding around. Effortlessly. It's true: we did have Rosie moving around... but (if we're honest about it) not very elegantly. We sent her simple instructions like: forward, reverse, left, right, take over the world , and stop. And guess what? She did exactly that. To the letter. That's why when we told her to turn left, when she was already travelling forwards towards the ice cream stand, she abruptly stopped and caused a traffic pile-up, before veering off, dangerously. Cue the dramatic police chase. Not very respon...
Daddy, can we make a robot?