Let us make this very clear from the onset of this exotic excursion. This is not a case of Raspberry Bye . Our relationship with our favourite single-board computer hasn't at all soured. In fact, we've become wholly inseparable. There's been many months of undeniable fun that's been had with the venerable computer strangely named after an edible fruit. To the extent that our relationship requires a healthy break. And quite frankly, our Pis require a well earned summer holiday to do whatever it is that robots and computers do during their time off. Crash. Burn. Refuel (with questionable toxins). Not at all unlike their human counterparts. And ultimately, it would be nice if they could return to a brand new, adorable pet waiting for them at home, a likeable little companion that they can just get along with. Well, we visited a pet shop, but couldn't find anything as small and smart as this adorable pup we stumbled up on while searching the Internet for a new,...
Daddy, can we make a robot?