Humans are said to have 5 senses in total. Common , clearly isn't one of them. But - jokes aside - computers all around us are growing ever more intelligent (so we hear). They can play chess. Drive cars. Some might even do these things at the same time. Without crashing (quite literally). Likewise, we've been making steady progress equipping Rosie Patrol with some useful skills. Skills needed to bring much needed law and order to the world. She can move . She can see . She can sense . And in our last episode , she began to read. With a little helping hand from some (considerably) bigger computers at the mothership that is Google. But can she really read? You know. Read out aloud ? True to our style, there is only one way to find out. It's time to invoke Code: Red Read. And take the power of reading to the next level (or page). All superheroes need: One Raspberry Pi 3, running Raspb...
Daddy, can we make a robot?