We believe it was Einstein that once famously observed this particular theory of relativity; that every horror film requires a - relatively (and scientifically) speaking - smellier sequel. Therefore, when the previous incarnation doesn't quite meet people's expectations, it should be in everyone's interest to further obliterate its legacy with yet more momentous muck and manure. This is the only way (apparently) to maintain nature's delicate equilibrium between winner and stinker. After all, for this, the great man won the Nobel Prize. Of course, what we're talking about here isn't Jeepers Creepers , or I Know What You Did Last Summer . Simply put, Rosie disappointed in her last outing. We promised you "crawly creepy", and instead, we got "a slightly bizarre demonstration of a robot pretending to crawl across an anonymous hotel room floor. Badly." (which incidentally isn't a great film title). No, definitely not Hallowee...
Daddy, can we make a robot?