The most significant moment of human enlightenment since the discovery of Penicillin back in 1928, was quite possibly the invention of the Tamagotchi in 1996. To date, this battery-powered, beeping handheld key chain thingummy has apparently sold more units than there are people currently living in Thailand. In fact, according to a seminal study by the respected WTO - the World Tamagotchi Organisation - if all of these digital pets were allowed to form its own sovereign nation, and permitted to trade on WTO terms, it would be the world's 20th most populous country, only slightly behind the land of the Playmobil . And rather impressively, it would also have the highest Graphically Distorted Pet (GDP) per Capita figure of any nation in the history of nations. Ever. And that is despite the rise of Minecraft . Yet, even though more than two decades have passed since the era that allowed Macarena to top the chart for 14 weeks , the precise binomial nomen...
Daddy, can we make a robot?